Q. What is Nuokka?

Nuokka is a web app designed to allow micro and small businesses to sell goods and services online. Giving shoppers a one-stop place to find those products in a social-media-like stream of posts.

Merchants can “tag” themselves, their products, and their posts. These tags provide extra descriptive hooks to help shoppers find products. Shopper can browse, search, and “follow” the merchants and tags that interest them. Allowing shoppers to tailor their feed of posts to their own interests, much like Pinterest, Instagram, or Twitter.

Better for merchants

Unlike more traditional selling platforms, Nuokka is a continuous stream of merchant posts. Shoppers can buy goods and services immediately through these posts, completing the sale without leaving the app. This means merchants do not have to spend money or time on creating and hosting a website. Nor do they need to worry about further spending on seach-engine optimisation.

Each Nuokka merchant must connect to a Stripe account. This is used during the checkout process to take payment. Using Stripe protects both consumers and merchants thanks to Stripe’s comprehensive anti-fraud processes.

Better for consumers

By bringing merchants together and allowing them to easily sell their goods and services online, Nuokka is creating a digital mall. This allows shoppers to browse, search, and personalise their online shopping with ease.

Tagging provides an easy way to search and follow specific subjects, or to filter products or services on offer. It also allows for the following of specific themes, such as “organic produce”, or “Bunbury Farmer’s Market” for example. This helps to build online communities and support the growth of a “local” network.